Tuesday, August 30, 2011

First Day of Schoolin' Fun!

Yesterday, my baby started kindergarten. Sigh.  Yes, even homeschool Moms get a little teary on that day! However, the tears soon subsided and the festivities began!  I wanted to make this a special day for my kids, so after waking them up and having them get dressed in one of their favorite outfits, I took 'back to school' pictures to mark this big event.  I used the free printables at iheartnaptime for them to hold.  Aren't my students adorable? :P
Look at that impish smirk! Oh brother...

Serious Scholar

Class Clown

We had 'Party Oatmeal' for breakfast (oatmeal with colored sugar sprinkles), and then the big kids started right in on their new workbox line-up. This time I included a learning center that corresponded with our science theme this week: Arctic Habitats.  I bought the Arctic Toob and Penguin Toob, and set them out with white paper, blue crayons, and styrofoam cups to let  them imagine their own arctic land. They thought this was a lot of fun, and I sandwiched it in between two of their harder studies so that it would give their brains a little respite.  Here area a few shots of their creativity:

The walrus cracked the ice. tee hee

A pretty detailed playscape

Yes, I know penguins and polar bears do not live together. We made sure to discuss that!
Kindergarten was fun, and I have been informed that I met my daughter's expectations. We wrapped up her day by making homemade alphabet soup for lunch. It was a hit!  In fact it was "the best soup ever!"
After lunch we did our HOD of lesson for Unit 1, Day 1.  The kids were so excited. They kept saying they couldn't wait to start our new history lessons. I don't think they were disappointed. The only distress I saw was when I stopped reading at the end of the chapter and wouldn't continue. That's how good these books are!  (And sure enough, my youngest tagged along for the ride. She hung in there for the whole time with the big kids!)  We began our project of making a shield of faith, by discussing what a 'coat of arms' is, and the significance. We played around with a digital, family shield on this website and then the kids proceeded to sketch out their own. They'll continue to work on it throughout the week.

Finally, we ended the day by having the kids go around the house with plastic bags to gather 5 items that tell something about them or their life thus far. After we got back to the table and shared their selections, I introduced the topic of a 'biography'. We discussed the genre, but I didn't tell them what books I had chosen for them yet. Those will be unveiled this afternoon, and the suspense is killing my kids! muahahahaha (villianous laughter)

Well, that was about all the excitement I could handle for one day. My children were thrilled with all of their new work. I just hope that excitement lasts for the next 9 months!

What about you? Do you have any 'back to schoolin' ideas to share?

Hillary At Home

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